Emma Watson, UN Goodwill ambassador
_ Why was/is the speech important to society?
Promoting the concept of feminism against the idea of man hating. Encouraging men to support women in their fight for equality
_ Why do you feel in is important or interesting?
I'm a huge feminist and also Emma Watson lover
_ What is the emotion, mood, tone, personality, feeling of the speech?
The tone is pretty serious, I mean its a speech for the UN, Emma watson seems very passionate about her subject
_ What is intonation, emphasis, what is loud, stressed, or soft. Where are there pauses...
_ What do you FEEL should be loud or soft, long pause or rushed?
_ Is there a call to action? When listening to it what are key/emphasized words?
Sort of? strong sensitive spectrum controlled stop
_ How does it make you feel?
excited? inspired? like emma watson is a bad ass
_ How do imagine that the audience felt?
inspired? men probably as well
_ Could there be another interpretation of the speech?
um not it's pretty clearly about gender equality
_ Write/find a short bio, of the person giving the speech.
Emma watson, British actress, was a recently appointed as the UN Women's Good Will ambassador. Her newest campaign is "He for She" a program that encourages men to support women in their struggle for equality and do away with the perception of man hater feminism.
_ Type up the 30 - 45 seconds of the speech so you have it as text on an 8.5 x 11 sheet.
There is some clapping i will edit out so it will be shorter. also she talks super slow so its not really that long